How to Choose the Right Scooter Lift

Black Scooter Lift on Road

When your mobility becomes decreased, it’s time to explore other options. An electric scooter is a great way to continue to get around, no matter your age or health! While your scooter may help you to get around, it’s important that you choose the right lift to help your scooter get around. Whether you’re taking your scooter to the store or to an amusement park, the stairlifts companies in Lousiana want to make sure that you choose the right lift for your vehicle.

Lift vs. Carrier

While the terms ‘scooter lift’ and ‘scooter carrier’ are often used synonymously; they’re very different. A scooter carrier is simply a platform that’s attached to the exterior of the vehicle. It holds the scooter while the car is moving but doesn’t move up and down to accommodate the user. A scooter lift is a unit designed to lift the scooter or wheelchair into the interior of the vehicle. Some lifts may even transport the passenger into the car along with the scooter.

Determine the Location of the Lift

You can choose to use your life through either the rear or side doors, depending on the model of your vehicle. However, the choice must be made before you purchase your lift. Not all units are compatible with both door options. Some lifts only support a certain amount of weight when placed on the various doors of the scooter. Because of this, it’s important to analyze each model carefully before making a decision.

Power, Hybrid Lifts, and Manual Lifts

For those who are unable to exert themselves, a power scooter lift is the best option. These automated lifts require little to no effort as they adjust and release the ramp needed. Power lifts fold into the car for quick an easy storage. Hybrid lifts carry the scooter inside of it after being unloaded on the exterior of the vehicle. Manual lifts are the most economical and are extremely durable. While they fold up when not in use, the lift doesn’t offer trunk access.

There are many different forms of External link opens in new tab or windowscooter lifts in Louisiana to choose from. Choosing the right one for your needs depends a great deal on your vehicle, mobility, and preferences. Take the time to analyze what you expect from your scooter lift before making a decision.

Need more information? Give us a call (504) 715-6658.