How to Solve Common Wheelchair Lift Issues
Every time you operate a wheelchair lift, there is a potential risk of malfunction that can lead to unfortunate events, accidents, or worse. Wheelchair lift failures can make problems for passengers and operators, plus cause headaches for contractors.
Of course, wheelchair lift makers make every effort to guarantee their products are reliable and safe, yet everyday use and unforeseen problems are bound to arise from time to time.
To make sure you are better prepared when issues present themselves, check out this list on how best to handle wheelchair platform lift issues in Louisiana when an error arises.
Damage to Outboard Stop Flap
Many times, issues with the lift are the result of a driver who improperly operates the device. A common place where this happens is with the outboard stop flaps. The damage to the flap isn't a huge problem for the rider; it is, however, important to fix the problem as soon as you can. Although it is possible to repair the flap, many mechanics advise replacing the part completely.
Old and Damaged Parts
This is probably the most common issue lift technicians deal with on location. Since it is somewhat difficult to troubleshoot a problem over the phone or text, many times a technician must be dispatched. A good way to avert dispatching technicians for minor issues is by training the drivers as much as possible on proper wheelchair lift operation. The best way to prevent damage to parts is by the drivers knowing how to not impair them to begin with.
Solid Ground Connection
One of the frequent problems is improper ground connections. When the lift is installed, it is paramount that it is grounded to the and has firm electrical contact. If this connection is not adequate, the lift can experience operational failure.
Lift Spring Issues
Wheelchair lifts have springs installed in the arms that can cause problems during operation if not taken proper care of.
Although broken springs most of the time won't cause harm to the operator or rider, they can cause operation and leveling problems down the line. The best way to prevent this is by making sure the springs are free of rust and damage.
If you would like to know more about common wheelchair lift problems or are interested in vertical platform lifts or wheelchair lifts in Louisiana, contact K N Enterprise for more information.